
Here's some comments and feedback I have gotten from some parents...

On the classes:

When our second child arrived, we decided to enroll in Alicia's class with the aim of learning to better communicate with our son in the near future. However, to our surprise, our first child too took an interest and picked up signing very fast. Signing quickly became a game which we learn and play together as a family. 

What's more, throughout the signing class, Alicia shared her personal and practical experiences using signing with her own daughter. It definitely shortened our learning curve as we embark on our own journey to use signing with our children. Thanks for the wonderful and interesting class!

- Alvin and Chi Yim, parents to Natasha (2+ years old) and Nathan (2+ months old)

Signing makes a mum's life easier! At least that's what I think as the 1st sign I learnt and signed to Dylan was 'milk' when he's 6 months old. No more guessing what a baby wants!

The signing class is lots of fun for Dylan thanks to Alicia being so animated and also the puppets used proved to be a hit with the toddlers as they captivated them and helps them to visualise the sign together with the animals! Thanks Alicia!

- Elaine, mother to 20 months old Dylan

Alicia is a highly energetic person and is truly passionate about "signing" and early childhood. She has advocated it to me since she first started signing and I have witnessed first hand how it has aided her bond and communication with her own child.

I am definitely convinced that signing is a great tool for communication with your children and has no qualms in recommending this to anyone.

- Angela, mother to Wayne (7 years old) and Alexis (4 years old)

On the DVD series:

First time I played the Zoo Train DVD to my 21 month boy, I had to repeat it 4 times, he couldn't get enough of it! Like what Alicia said, Signing Time DVDs are not just for signing babies. Even my boy, who is not a signing baby is captivated by the catchy tunes and animations, and requested for me to play them again and again. I am sure with time, he will pick up some of the signs. Thanks to Alicia who introduced me to the series and gave advice as to which is a suitable DVD to start with. She is a friendly mum who is ever willing to share her knowledge and resources,be it signing or otherwise (preschool, hypnobirthing. lapbook etc)

Wan Chuen, mother to 21 months old KJ

more testimonials are on the way.
age of the children is at time of print